Police Witness Appeal
We are appealing for information reports of at least two vehicles were seen driving recklessly on football pitches at Stewartfield Park, Broxburn.
The incident occurred around 2200 hours on Tuesday 16th of January.
The vehicles have caused significant damage to the playing fields therefore if anyone has any information that may help out enquiries please contact us on 101 quoting incident number 0898 17/01/2024.
If you wish to remain anonymous please contact Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.
Broxburn Community Team.
Message Sent By
Ross Walker
(Police Scotland, Preventions and Interventions, J Div - West Lothian)
Scam Share Bulletin
10th November 2022
Trading Standards Scotland includes the following topics:
Recently Reported Scams
Cost of Living Payment Scam
Doorstep Scams: Roofing
Cold Calls: Insulation Scams
Banking Scam Calls
Ongoing Scams / Campaigns
Talk Money Week
Support with the Cost of Living
The full bulletin is available to view here:
The latest November Cyber Scotland Bulletin includes the following topics:
Scottish organisations urged to test their resilience
Shop Safely on Black Friday
NCSC Annual Review 2022
Charity Cyber Essentials Awareness Fortnight and more
The full bulletin is available here:
Scam Share Bulletin
20th October 2022
Welcome to the latest edition of the Scam Share bulletin.
Stay Scam Aware and please keep sharing any relevant information in this bulletin with friends and family.
In this issue:
Recently Reported Scams
Supermarket Voucher Scams
Vehicle tax Scams
Doorstep Scams: Driveways
Ongoing Scams/campaigns
Two-step WhatsApp/Bank Scams
Charity Fraud Awareness Week
Scam Share Bulletin
29th September 2022
For the latest update follow this link;
4th August 2022
The latest Scam Share Bulletin from Trading Standards Scotland includes the following topics:
Recently Reported Scams:
Energy Products – DoorStep Scams
‘Missed Parcel Fee’ – Scams
Remote Access Scams
Ticketing Scams
Ongoing Scams / Campaigns:
Safe Banking Online
Product Safety
The full bulletin is available here: link
ScamShare - Protect Yourself from The Most Common Scams Across Scotland
Welcome to the latest edition of Scam Share, highlighting the most recent scams which have been reported by consumers across Scotland.
It's more important than ever to make sure that you stay Scam Aware and share information about scams with vulnerable relatives or friends.
Topics this week include:
Cost of Living Payment Scams
HMRC VAT Refund Scams
Online Shopping Scams: Renewable Energy Products
Mail Scam: Fees for Cash Prizes
"Hello Mum/Dad" WhatsApp Scams
PayPal Scams
Big Scottish Scam Survey
Get Safe Online and CIFAS have launched a new Check a Websitepage - an easy-to-use online tool which helps you to determine whether a website is likely to be legitimate or a scam before you visit it.
Please take a few minutes and complete the Big Scottish Scam Survey. The information you provide is important and your response is really appreciated as it will help give an understanding of the current scam landscape across Scotland.
The following link takes you to The Little Book Of Big Scams, it’s a brilliant little book highlighting common ways that criminals exploit our vulnerabilities, give it a quick read if you get a chance.
A new rural crime campaign was launched this week in conjunction with Crimestoppers, Network Rail and Police Scotland at Balloch, Loch Lomond.
The effects of rural crime can be devastating, with criminal gangs exploiting local wildlife, environment and communities, putting those who live and work in the countryside under threat.
Over 95% of Scotland is classed as rural, and the NFU estimates that rural crime costs Scotland around £1.8 million annually, with levels reportedly increasing.
Crimestoppers, together with Police Scotland and wider rural and environmental organisations, are asking the public to spot the signs of rural crime and give information 100% anonymously.
The key crimes that Scotland’s rural areas experience are:
Theft of farm equipment, vehicles and machinery
Livestock-related crimes: theft and dog attacks
Fly-tipping and industrial waste dumping
Hare coursing and badger baiting
Fuel theft – domestic and commercial
Heritage & cultural property crime including illegal metal detecting
Wildlife crime
Wilful fire-raising
Report to Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800555111 or or call Police Scotland on 101 or 999 in an emergency.
Please feel free to share this information with anyone you think this Alert may be relevant to.
Anyone can sign up to receive Alerts just go to
The following message has been circulated on behalf of Police Scotland, West Lothian
Police Scotland will be conducting some social media and media activity around summer call demand.
Every year, Police Scotland sees a significant rise in 101/999 calls in the summer months.
To ease demand on their service centres, they are working to ensure that people are informed of who is best to contact when the police are needed. In an emergency, 999 should always be used. For callers who don’t require an emergency response, Police Scotland can be contacted via 101.
The Police Scotland website Contact Police Scotland - Police Scotland has a selection of online reporting forms which deal with a range of incidents including stalking, hate crime and lost property. Using these forms means that these type of incidents are dealt with in a timely and most appropriate manner.
Nuicense mobile phone calls-Funded Project
The following information has been circulated on behalf of Trading Standards Scotland.
Ofcom research published in October 2021 highlighted that more people are now receiving scam calls on their mobile phones compared to landlines with 43% of mobile users having received a suspicious call on their phones in the last 3 months.
TrueCall technology previously used on landlines has been developed and is now available for mobile phones through a SIM card. The SIM, in trials, has shown the same high levels of protection and disruption as the landline blocker with over 95% of unwanted calls being blocked.
To see how this works in practice, TrueCall videos are available to view at
Currently, in a project funded by the Scottish Government, Trading Standards Scotland can offer the above service free of charge to consumers who are at risk of being scammed on their mobile telephone. As well as receiving trueCall protection users get 2 years unlimited calls, unlimited text messages and 2GB per month fully funded and of course users keep their existing number.
To apply and for further explanation as to referral process please read attached information paper and attached tariff form for the normal trueCall service. See also link as above.